But according to a recent column in The Wall Street Journal, we might all be braggarts in this competitive society obsessed with social networking. 然而,《华尔街日报》最新的一篇专栏文章中提到,在竞争激烈的社会中,沉迷于社交网络中的我们或许都会成为大话王。
Peggy Noonan lives in New York and writes a weekly column for the wall street journal. 佩吉诺南住在纽约,每周为《华尔街时报》撰写专栏文章。
This model took into account of the effect of the column wall on bubble formation by the introduction of a specific system of images. 通过引入一特定的镜像系统,该模型将气泡塔壁对气泡生成过程的影响考虑在内。
In a certain teahouse or bar, he sees the coir raincoat and his bamboo hat, covered with crimson dust, hang high on the column and wall painted gorgeously red or golden. 在某个茶室和酒吧间,他看见蓑衣还有他的竹笠高挂在髹漆得艳红或者金黄的柱子和墙壁上,落满红尘。
The prestressed reinforcement fixed end anchorage of the utility model can satisfy a requirement that concrete column or wall is constructed precede beam or plate. 本实用新型预应力筋固定端锚具可满足混凝土柱或墙先于梁或板施工的要求。
The enclosure design allows for installation in tight spaces, very close to walls and ceilings, making it the ideal choice for under balcony, column and wall mounting. 外壳设计使安装在狭小的空间,非常靠近墙壁和天花板,使其成为理想的选择下阳台,列和墙壁安装。
Analysis on Differential Settlement of Column and Wall in Some Basement with Reverse Construction Method 某逆作法地下室柱墙差异沉降计算分析
In2007, he showed that the sentiments expressed in a column in The Wall Street Journal can influence stock market behaviour. 在2007年,他表明,发表在在华尔街日报的专栏里的情绪词汇能够影响股票市场行为。
In two imported directly by precision inner diameter glass tube adsorption column ( standard wall glass tube adsorption column is no longer supported), more user-friendly. 直接采用两支进口精密内径玻璃管吸附柱(标准壁玻璃管吸附柱不再配),更方便用户使用。
Structural area of the residence is to point to form a building to bearing coefficient, the area that the component part place such as mound of the wall of each component, column, wall and partition occupies disjunctive plane. 住宅的结构面积是指构成房屋承重系数,分隔平面各组成部分的墙、柱、墙墩以及隔断等构件所占的面积。
Characteristics of suspended aluminum ceiling, column and wall surface and installation technique 铝板吊顶、柱、墙面的特点及安装技术
By transforming the liquid exchange between packing and column wall into that between the node net of packing and the node net of column wall, the liquid distribution model for the column wall zone around a packing element was presented. 通过将填料与塔壁间的液体交换规范成填料节点网与塔壁节点网间的液量传递建立了填料单元对应塔壁区的流体分布模型。
Specially, it gives description in detail on the features and key design points for several wall structure types of annular wall artificial island, such as steel caisson wall, non anchor steel column wall with lock pin conneetion and reinforced concrete pipe column wall. 尤其对钢沉箱围壁结构、无锚带锁口联接的钢管桩围壁结构、钢筋混凝土管柱围壁结构的围壁式人工岛的特点、设计要点作了详细论述。
Energy variation solution of natural vibration period of short column shear wall 短肢剪力墙结构自振周期的能量变分解
Methods Twenty cases of acetabular fractures were treated with internal fixation using reconstruction plates and screws. Fractures of the posterior column and wall were found in 6 cases, anterior column and wall in 3 cases, both column in 7 cases, comminuted fractures in 4 cases. 方法:20例髋臼骨折采用重建钢板和钛螺钉内固定,其中后壁合并后柱骨折6例,前壁合并前柱骨折3例,双柱骨折7例,髋臼粉碎性骨折4例。
Study on Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Short Column with Flange Wall 钢筋混凝土带翼墙短柱抗震性能研究
Diagnosis and treatment of acetabular anterior column and anterior wall fractures 髋臼前柱骨折与前壁骨折的诊断和治疗
Because the limite on axial compression ratio of column and wall are different, the axial deformation of them must be different in tall-building construction. When consider the creep and shrinkage of concrete, with the level number increasing, the difference of axial deformation will be enlarging. 在高层建筑结构中,由于轴压比限值不同,柱和剪力墙的轴向变形值必然产生差异,加上混凝土收缩徐变的影响,随着结构层数的增加,其轴向变形差会逐渐增大。
Through theoretical analysis and engineering practice, the problems of use of structural column in wall beam design have been preliminary investigated, and the calculation methods have been also introduced. 本文作者通过理论分析与工程实践,对构造柱在墙梁设计中的应用问题进行了初步探讨,并介绍了相应的计算方法。
The Effect of Wall Panels on the Temperature Distribution of a Steel Column Connected with Wall Panels in a Fire 墙板对火灾下钢柱截面温度分布的影响
A series of testing research and finite element analysis were done in Wuhan University of Technology for the Web steel truss beam, truss column, wall and joint. 武汉理工大学针对无比轻钢龙骨体系的桁架梁、桁架柱、墙体及节点等做了一系列的试验研究和有限元分析。
The design principle of the structural system of short column shear wall is introduced as well as the selection of common program for structure analysis. Based upon analysis of calculation results the earthquake resistant construction of short column shear wall is discussed. 阐述了短肢剪力墙结构体系的布置原则,介绍了常用结构分析程序的选择,对短肢剪力墙结构体系的计算结果作了分析,并对短肢剪力墙的抗震构造进行了探讨。
Application of Shape Column Wall-Frame Structure in Tall Resident Building 异形柱框架剪力墙结构在高层住宅中的应用
Based on an example of structural accident owing to the insufficiency of concrete strength, the technique of rehabilitation adopted in such condition is introduced, including the method of rehabilitation of component such as beam column, wall, and so on. 对于由于砼强度不足造成的事故,结合某工程实例,就其加固处理采用的设计做法作一些介绍,包括梁,板,柱,墙等构件的处理方法。
Calculation of compressive bearing capacity of prestressed masonry column and wall 预应力砌体墙、柱受压承载力计算
Steel reinforced concrete special-shaped columns lasted component special-shaped cross-section features, with thick and filler column limb wall thickness, better satisfied the modern society in live requirement. 型钢混凝土异形柱具有构件异形的截面特征,柱肢与填充墙等厚,较好的满足了现代社会对居住的要求,柱子不出现凸出的棱角,大大提高空间利用率,增大了房屋使用面积。
The paper studies the behavior of the reinforced concrete column with wing wall under low-cyclic horizontal load. 本课题主要研究在低周水平反复荷载作用下增设翼墙加固钢筋混凝土柱的受力性能。
The sensor principle is: wavelength of fiber Bragg grating pasted on the hollow column body wall has a linear relation with the torsional strain that hollow cylinder suffered. 2. 其传感原理为:粘贴在空心柱体内壁上的光纤Bragg光栅的波长移位与空心柱体所受扭应变呈线性关系。
Special-shaped column structures contain special-shaped column frame structure and special-shaped column frame-shell wall structure. Special-shaped column structures are developing quickly and widely used currently in china due to its flexible cross section types. 异形柱结构,包括异形柱框架和异形柱框架剪力墙结构;凭借灵活的截面形式,异形柱在结构设计中得到了广泛的应用。